Monday, March 28, 2011

appreciate life and all you have

yes i'm typing one of those blogs. if you don't like it or think i'm jumping on some bandwagon think again. the past two weeks has really taught me how fragile and special life really is. the earthquake shook this little country so bad and then caused the terror of the tsunami. the tsunmai hit a city just 30 minutes away from us. we had no power for about 2.5 days. with that being said we're EXTREMELY lucky nothing happened to our base or us on the base. the japanese people on the other hand are dealing with lives lost, houses lost, radiation floating into their cities, and just their small country being hit so hard by 3 horrible incidents.

as everyone knows this is our 4th deployment. well this is the first deployment that the worry was turned around and the realization that jayson could lose us was shown to us. he was so worried when the earthquake struck and couldn't talk to us for a couple of days. he still didn't feel much comfort until he finally got to see us on skype a few days ago and i know he won't be fully comfortable until he is home with us and hugging us.

we've all heard the saying life can be taken away in the blink of an eye. how incredibly true that statement is. i've never stopped and thought about this. i've never had a reason to. this earthquake/tsunami made me stop and think how precious life really is. we're so lucky to all be here and living. life is hard at times and just plain sucks some times but its still a gift. we're so blessed to be breathing and having life experiences including the horrible ones.

this experience has made me look at jayson in a whole new light! i've loved him the past 7 yrs of our marriage and the past 8 yrs of our relationship but now that love is even deeper and stronger. each deployment makes our love for each other deeper and stronger and also strengthens our marriage. this deployment however has done that 10 fold and its only 2 months into it. jayson and i now truly know how special we are to each other and how special our marriage is. we've gone through 3 other deployments and going through this current one. we've gone through barely having any money. we've gone through having a child and raising that child. we've gone through all of life's little things good and bad and we're still standing strong and will continue to.

i miss my airman so much and can't wait until he is home. i love this military life we live and am so glad to be learning the lessons it has to offer and teach. i truly believe those who have ever lived or are currently living the military life have a better understanding and appreciation for life, love, and pushing through. we all need to be thankful for what we have every single day. my dad has always told me to tell everyone that i love that i love them every day. i always just "yeah dad i know" but now i know what he means and i know that i will. to all of those that are reading this and are my family and friends know that i do love you, all of you! now go hug and kiss your spouse or significant other and go grab your kid(s) up and love on them and then go play with them or tuck them or anything you need to do to show them how much you really do love them. love the people in your life because you never know when someone can be taken out of it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

7 months in japan ( a bit of a rant)

so we're just a few days past our 7 month mark of being here and man have i learned a lot in these short 7 months. being overseas is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. its wonderful because its a new country, new culture, new language, new base and you get to meet new people! its horrible in our case because we're so north and isolated, its a new base, and we have met new people.

i've already met a couple wonderful people that i know i'll be lifelong friends with, emily & heather! i'm so thankful for them. they're keeping me sane here and are my sounding boards too. i love that they understand me so much already and can handle the constant chatter from both lucian and i! i've also met some really great people that i'm sure we'll always have some form of contact with and that i hold dear as well. on the flip side i've also met some people that just really have shocked me with their behavior and their expectations of me. why would you expect anything from someone you barely know? and if you feel you them well you have to stop and think well do they feel the same?

i've learned to really watch people from a distance before you just run up and say hey let's be friends! you really do have to be cautious and i already knew this but i've never really just observed before forging a friendship with someone. well there have been a few women here who have taught me that lesson already. those who have gotten to know me after my first burn here have commented on how careful i'm being about things. i feel i've been explaining myself or my actions and i've never had to do that with my friends before because they've always been true friends and didn't care about those little things like that.

i am happy to report that my quick and accurate judge of character is still intact but i've had to use it here more than i ever had to in ohio. yes i only had 3 close friends but they were just that close friends that knew me inside out and i didn't have to explain my personality or other things about myself or my family to them. they loved and still do love me for who i am inside. i just really have been surprised by the gall some people have. i don't like the feeling of being unsure around people once you've started to get to know them better. people are so quick to judge or to show their true colors. which for me is a good thing because that means that i don't have to waste anymore time on them.

i've also been around younger people here too. emily is one of those younger people yet she and her husband act beyond their years! i've always acted beyond my years. not to say i haven't had my immature moements or phases but in general i've always flocked to people a little bit older than me. some people here just need to grow up already. everyone has something in their past that they could hold onto forever but why would you?

there are plenty of people, myself included, that didn't have the fairytale childhood. mine wasn't as rough as some that i've heard since being here but it still was a rough one. i let go of mine some time ago. i learned what i needed to from it and then moved on. i'm not bitter about it anymore and i don't use it as an excuse, crutch, or as a weapon. let go and move on. never openly trust anyone no matter what your childhood or past has in it.

it really is like starting all over here and i need to feel people out and let them know who i am as well. those who have gotten to know me a little or more as in the case of heather and emily, know that i don't take crap from anyone. i voice my opinion and if i don't like you or the way you're behaving i'll let you know. i usually do it in a nice way the first time but after that i stop using the nice and just flat out tell you like it is.

i had a dispute with a "friend" today and it just really got to me and i can't believe the way this person has acted towards me. this person was being completely inconsiderate of the fact that i have a child. they asked me to do something with them that would take all day and i'd only have 4 hrs with lucian in that day and that'd be in the evening. that isn't fair. i chose to stay home so i could see lucian all day long and be with him every day. then the person tried to make me feel guilty about saying no to being away from lucian all day. i've dealt with a few people in my life that are pros at the martyr act and throwing guilt trips and guess what, that crap doesn't work on me. find someone else to feel sorry for you i don't do that.

i've had a rough week to say the least and i'm just ready for it to be over with. ready for jayson to leave texas so that we can talk every day and he'll also be one step closer to coming home! i'm looking forward to two years with him uninterrupted by a deployment. i don't mind if he goes to the NCO academy or to investigations school but no deployment for two years would be wonderful!

that is another thing i feel i need to add right quick. this isn't my first rodeo (deployment) so don't come crying to me with all your boo hoos. that may sound mean and all but i'm going through a deployment too and the fourth one at that so i'm past all the boo hoos of having your husband deployed. if you really want to compare here it is:

1st deployment- a month after jayson and i got married and i was active duty still and all i did was sleep and work. i was so depressed because it was the first deployment. it is how every first deployment is.

2nd- lucian was 6 months old. went to my mom's she helped but from a distance because she knows i hate overbearing people, which she never has been thankfully. lucian choked on some bolts he found on a window sill and i had to dig them out of his throat and a little dribble of blood came out of his nose. terrified the breath out of me. also jayson missed all of lucian's firsts during this deployment.

3rd- lucian was 2.5 yrs old. nothing bad happened during this deployment, thankfully! made a lifelong friend in katie during this one.

4th- lucian is just a month shy of being 4 yrs old. jayson was only home for 9 months and we pcs'd during those 9 months.

don't comapre your FIRST deployment to my 4th and those in the past. and don't compare your first or any others with anyone else becasue there is no comparison. it hurts the same for us all no matter if its the first or 15th deployment. its part of being married to military.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

i'm sad/pissed...

that jayson is gone and i don't get to hug/kiss/touch/smell/sit next to him until july or august

that my brother is out of prison and won't get to see him until who knows when

at the possiblity that my brother may very well end up in prison again

that my brother's mental health isn't stable and nothing can/will be done about it

that my best friend, jayson, isn't around until july or august

that this squadron sent martin in place of a staff sgt that is getting to stay home because he and his wife are having their 3rd, yes 3rd baby while martin will miss the birth of his first baby

that i don't have caroline next door

that i don't have katie down the hill and across the street

that the only thing to do here is go barhopping and i don't do that or drink and won't start either

that lucian is missing his wonderful daddy and wants to go up in the airplane with daddy

that the snow decided to come AFTER jayson left, he is the one that likes it and doesn't mind shoveling it

that the stupid wind knocked down our fence TWICE and now i have to put the dogs on a chain & stake combo to go outside because the fence blew over two days before jayson left

that jayson is gone until right before or right after my bday

i don't get to kiss jayson for 6.5 months or a little longer

that our house here is so damn small

that i'm so sad and pissed

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the missing blog

i miss my jayson, terribly. it may seem that i'm barely even affected by this deployment but trust me i am. i HATE being away from jayson. we're not one of those weird couples who have to be together all the time and do everything together but we prefer to. jayson is truly my best friend i tell him everything and he tells me everything. i miss seeing his gorgeous face every day and kissing him and hugging him. i miss his smartass remarks and i just miss us when he is deployed. he was only home 9 months and we moved during that time so i feel like we barely got to see each other and then he was off again. i'm really hoping that he won't deploy again while he is here. he is supposed to be home a whole year before he goes out again and i don't see them sending him in the last year we're home because he'd be gone 6 months or longer and then come back and pcs. but you never know what the military will do.

i'm worried about my brother. my mom just got back from visiting him and she said his mental state has gotten worse. i've believed him to be schizophrenic since i was about 16 or so. i remember researching it in the high school library and ticking off all the symptoms that jeremy has. i love my brother dearly and worry so much for him. schizophrenics are some of the hardest to get into treatment because they don't see their delusions and parallel universes as fake. they think they are real that is what delusions are. i really would like to see him get some treatment and i do believe with treatment he will stay out of prison. jeremy has always been in his own little world. i just really really miss my brother and miss having a relationship with him.

i miss and worry about our neighbors back in ohio. my heart goes out to them so much and i really hate that i'm not able to help them through this tough and trying time in their lives. i'm finding that i honestly miss ohio in general. it became home and i knew that but didn't think it really was home for me. i miss our friends, our house, our cars, just knowing my way around and the variety of people, places and such. i never though i'd miss ohio as much as i do. i understand that i miss the people but i actually miss the place too. i also miss that we were only 6 hrs from jayson's family.

i'm crazy about jayson's family and miss them so much. they are such a small family unit but it is great! i miss texting and talking to my MIL. i also miss my SIL. she is so young but such a wonderful person to be around! i miss all their damn dogs too. i couldn't ask for a better set of in-laws for family. i don't even see them as in-laws. i don't think i ever really have. i get along with them greatly and just fit right in from the beginning even before we were married.

i'm just missing people in my life right now and need to write about it and get some of it out of me. i miss my dad a lot since moving here too. we had gotten to a great place in our relationship and i don't want it to get messed up by distance. i think as myself as a late to the game daddy's girl. i'm 27 and shouldn't be a daddy's girl but i so am. i'm crazy about my dad and wouldn't trade him for any other dad in the world. he has his faults and flaws but that is what makes him my dad and i absolutely love him!

i miss my mom too. i miss talking to her at least 3 times a day! yes i really did call my mom that often when we were in ohio. she and i are very close and she is my sounding board and i am one for her as well. i love the relationship my mother and i have with each other. its about respect and fun and most of all unconditional love. i know my mom would support any decision i ever made in my life. my mom and i laugh so much when we talk to each other! you ever read that website well that is how my mom and and talk when we're around each other and the craziest part is that we understand each other and don't even bother to correct each other. i miss laughing with my mom!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

almost 3 months here

we've been here almost 3 months now and it has been and interesting change and adjustment. it has also been a hard one. the first week was really rough, we got here on monday and that friday i had to take meds to cause a miscarriage because of the chemical pregnancy. dealing with that made me a bit crazy and paranoid about things. hoping i never have to go through that again. it took a while for my hormones to get back to normal, well normal for me since they are never normal because of the pcos. i started feeling better about the miscarriage but not about being at a new base and missing my friends back in ohio.

i also had to adjust to jayson working nights again and working 12s. i had a hard time sleeping at first but i was finally able to start sleeping at night. lucian had to adjust to not having any of his stuff or our the furniture here he also misses his friends from ohio as well. he has no outlet here and it has effected his behavior. still working on that. hoping he will get into preschool and if not then hopefully he can get into the sure start program here. it's similar to head start in the states.

we've already had two different neighbors since being here and both have been great! we get along great with our first neighbors robert and kristen and they have a 3 yr old boy, jacob, that lucian likes to play with. they're in tokyo right now and we are ready for them to come back. our new neighbors are young but very cool! melanie and i get along great! they just adopted a cute dog they named carter and they are expecting their first childe, bennett, in december! i'm excited for them and also that i get to watch another baby grow and help a new mom out like i did for caroline!

this base is very small so i'm seeing some of the military wives behavior i had always heard about but have never seen or experienced. it's a bit ridiculous to me. chose your friends wisely and get to know people from a distance first, this will be my advice to those new wives to the military and to this base i will eventually meet. some things are taken way to seriously here like bunco. its a dice game and i'm going to be honest here not that fun. it takes forever and is noisy because everyone is constantly rolling the dice trying to get a bunco and it tends to grate on the nerves.

i recently didn't go to a game i said i would go to and you'd think i broke a law or hit someone or something. i was given lessons on respcet and being rude the next day by a few women that went to the game and got really mad at me. one kept harrassing me and had to get the last word in so i just deleted her from my fb and one who didn't even say anything to me just deleted me, group mentality there. another said something then deleted me before i could respond to her. the last one, in my opinon, is the only one who dealt with this maturely. she told me what she thought of my behavior and then let it go and neither of us was deleted.

i could understand them getting this upset if i hadn't gone to a bday party or baby shower or something like that that was for an individual but a game of bunco, really? i had decided to stay home with jayson and lucian and jayson and i celebrated him making flight chief that night. much more fun then playing bunco for a couple of hours and watching people get drunk and loud.

i know i will meet people like katie, misty, and caroline eventually and become good friends. for now i'll just stick with kristen & robert, melanie & jordan, and hope to get to know kenny and his wife better when they get back this month. things will get better eventually and i will find my friends, that understand me and are like me, and place here at misawa.

on the japan side of things, uh it is AWESOME. i'm not digging the hottest summer on record in 200+ yrs but it is SO pretty here! jayson will eventually get to take leave and i know we will just go explore pretty much every day! robert will teach us geocaching too when he gets back. we plan to go to tokyo next year so our money will be all figured out. also will need to make a trip to sendai, its where my gma was when she was in japan and she graduated high school there as well!!! there are plenty of beaches here and lucian just loves them! have gotten used to driving on the other side of the car and road and almost used to the narrow roads and the japanese just randomly stopping on the teeny tiny side of the road. i can't wait to see more of japan!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

getting to japan

okay so everyone has been asking for details on our trip here and details about here. i'll try to do my best to remember it all. getting to seattle was challenging, to say the least. jayson, lucian, and dook went first then aries and i followed. the boys were supposed to leave at 8 and get to seattle at noon. well they missed their connecting flight in chicago and ended up getting to seattle about 10 mins before i did. dook didn't miss the connecting flight so he was waiting in seattle for jayson and lucian. as far as mine and aries trip to seattle, well completely different. i check in and find out that the aircraft we were reserved on didn't accept checked pets. this was frustrating because when i called to reserve aries they said it was fine. the lady got us on a new flight that connected in DC instead of chicago. i had about a 2.5 hrs layover in DC. i was bumped up to economy plus on the flight to seattle which was nice because i was actually able to stretch my legs all the way out. by the time i get on that flight i'm exhausted and just slept.

we get to seattle get reunited and get the dogs. we arive around 5:30 pm and our flight out to japan doesn't leave until 4:40 the next morning. yay we get to hang out in an airport all night. we get the dogs outside so they can go potty. that made their day they were both so happy to see all 3 of us and each other. also happy to just stretch their legs. we get them loaded back in their crates, oh by the way we're using the luggage carts and have two very full ones. fun to push around the sea-tac airport. we go back in and try to find the USO. it was a maze but we finally get there step inside and see it is PACKED with the people going on our flight to japan and then those that were also going on to korea. we drop of our bags so we just have the dogs and then go find some food. we go back get our bags then fine a parking some for two hours.

we checked in for our flight to japan at 10pm. we get the dogs and our bags checked then find out we were at the wrong check point. so we find the right one and park ourselves in some chairs and wait. the terminal slowly fills up with all the passengers and it's quiet, except for the screaming baby girl whose parents couldn't figure out how to quiet her. we wake up around 4 hoping to board then plane then find out we have been delayed an hour because of weather in japan. we sleep for another hour then wake up and start to board. of course there are those who never listen to instruction and are in line already when they have to wait for the families with small children to board, therefore they were in the way. we get to our seats and find out we have two seats to the side then an aisle seat in the middle. it's fine we deal with it.

lucian did amazing on the flight over!!! it was about a 9.5 hr flight. we watched 3 movies, had bfast and lunch, and lu took 2 naps and jayson and i dozed off and on the whole flight. there was, of course, the screaming baby girl, but she didn't pretty good as well. there were other screaming children on the flight. if you want a sure method of birth control, go on a 9 hr flight with screaming kids. we got here at 8am monday morning, mind you we left at 5:30am on sunday. we get our luggage, on the carts again, get the dogs checked out and meet our sponsor outside. sgt. wong, our sponsor was smart and brought one of the big SF trucks!!! we get the dogs to the kennel and try to check into our hotel. we had to go back i think 4 times before we were finally able to get into our room. there was a LT. COL. in the room before us so of course he/she thinks the check-out time doesn't apply to them. no biggie, sgt. wong showed us around base some. jayson checked in with his squadron and is asked to start the in-processing briefings that day. he has to take a shower in one of the gyms because we still didn't have our room at the time. he goes to his briefings and sgt. wong drops lucian and i off at the housing office. we have a choice between the house we took or an apartment in a tower. no questions asked i opted for the house. living in a tower with a kid and two dogs didn't sound like fun.

i found my car on wednesday and we got our house on thursday!!! we also got our loner furniture on thursday. it gets the job done but it isn't our furniture. i think we made about 5 trips to the bx yesterday getting everything we need for the house. so now we feel some what settled and we're finding our way around base and today we're putting our feelers out there in misawa city. i know i'll post lots and lots of pics on fb and i'll post pics of our house on there as well. probably not today though. we get internet at our house on wednesday. so that was our trip here and a quick run down of what we've been doing since we got here. i'll keep blogging and posting pics on fb.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the feelings are flooding

as we get closer and closer to moving to japan and getting the dates, such as the departure date, i am having a flood of emotions when i sit an think about it. i am so very extremely excited to finally get out of ohio and to live in japan for 3 yrs. as my family know i've wanted to go to japan ever since my grandma murphy first told me she graduated from high school over there and she told about how different and wonderful it was for her.

that was all it took and since then i've been obsessed with asian cultures and going over there. i'm so excited to get to see the culture every day and really learn about it and not just what they put in books and on tv. i'm also starting to get nervous. i'm not nervous about the move, i'm sure that'll come once we get packing dates and such. i'm nervous about not living in america. it's all i've ever known and i'm sure i'm just like everyone else and am very comfortable here and take all the comforts of america for granted. no it's not like we're moving to the middle east, like my mom did in her teens, but it is a completely different country and on the other side of the planet, literally.

i'm nervous about the language barrier, we'll be the ones speaking the wrong language. i'm also nervous about using yen. again all i've know is the us dollar. i'm not the greatest at math and the conversion part is what i'm worried about. beyond that i'm sure i will get comfortable pretty quickly.

i'm also actually sad about moving. I KNOW big shocker to everyone. i'm sad about leaving my 3 close friends, misty, caroline, and katie. i love my girls so much and i am going to really miss them so much. it really does bring tears to my eyes when i think about it. also that lucian has to leave his two buddies, trey and aiden. katie and i have gotten so incredibly close and we do stuff together ALL the time and our boys are right there with us too. chris, caroline, and whitley have been THE BEST neighbors we've had in the air force. it's hard not to get so close with such wonderful neighbors. misty and i helped each other through deployments and espeically when lucian or trey were just too much. she has been a great friend for the last 3 yrs and love that i've gotten to watch trey grow since he was born!

i just wanted to take some time and write about some of the feelings i've been having about the move, it isn't just excitement it's also nervousness and sadness for having to move away from three wonderful friends. i'm so grateful for technology and that i'll be able to stay in touch with them so easily, gotta love FB!!!