Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the feelings are flooding

as we get closer and closer to moving to japan and getting the dates, such as the departure date, i am having a flood of emotions when i sit an think about it. i am so very extremely excited to finally get out of ohio and to live in japan for 3 yrs. as my family know i've wanted to go to japan ever since my grandma murphy first told me she graduated from high school over there and she told about how different and wonderful it was for her.

that was all it took and since then i've been obsessed with asian cultures and going over there. i'm so excited to get to see the culture every day and really learn about it and not just what they put in books and on tv. i'm also starting to get nervous. i'm not nervous about the move, i'm sure that'll come once we get packing dates and such. i'm nervous about not living in america. it's all i've ever known and i'm sure i'm just like everyone else and am very comfortable here and take all the comforts of america for granted. no it's not like we're moving to the middle east, like my mom did in her teens, but it is a completely different country and on the other side of the planet, literally.

i'm nervous about the language barrier, we'll be the ones speaking the wrong language. i'm also nervous about using yen. again all i've know is the us dollar. i'm not the greatest at math and the conversion part is what i'm worried about. beyond that i'm sure i will get comfortable pretty quickly.

i'm also actually sad about moving. I KNOW big shocker to everyone. i'm sad about leaving my 3 close friends, misty, caroline, and katie. i love my girls so much and i am going to really miss them so much. it really does bring tears to my eyes when i think about it. also that lucian has to leave his two buddies, trey and aiden. katie and i have gotten so incredibly close and we do stuff together ALL the time and our boys are right there with us too. chris, caroline, and whitley have been THE BEST neighbors we've had in the air force. it's hard not to get so close with such wonderful neighbors. misty and i helped each other through deployments and espeically when lucian or trey were just too much. she has been a great friend for the last 3 yrs and love that i've gotten to watch trey grow since he was born!

i just wanted to take some time and write about some of the feelings i've been having about the move, it isn't just excitement it's also nervousness and sadness for having to move away from three wonderful friends. i'm so grateful for technology and that i'll be able to stay in touch with them so easily, gotta love FB!!!

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