Saturday, March 13, 2010

okkuu pasupo-to

this is my first blog about our pcs (move) to japan!!! jayson should have his official orders when he goes back to work. i'm already working on the things i can that don't require his orders. my first order of business are our passports. all three of us are going to get the regular travel passports so we can go visit other countries of the orient while over there and hopefully also australia! lucian and i have to have a military passport as well to keep us from being deported back to america. if we don't have the military passports then every 90 days they could look at us and consider deporting us.

there is a bit of a snag with these passports. when you send in your applications for passports you also have to send your original birth certificate. so you may be thinking that's not a big deal. well not for not for lucian and jayson but for me it is. my birth certificate isn't from a state like their's are. if mine is lost i have to write d.c. to get a new one. mine is american born abroad since i was born in germany on a u.s. installation. this makes me a bit nervous. to add to that i have to send mine twice. once for the travel passport and then again for the military passport.

we have our appt set for 2 on monday to go to the post office and have our pictures done and send all of our things we need to. then we get to wait 4-6 weeks to get all of it back and our passports. then lucian and i get to do it a second time for our military passports. again we get to wait 4-6 weeks for these things to come in the mail along with our original birth certificates. i'm a bit nervous that we won't have both passports before we leave and therefore won't have our original birth certificates when we move. the guy that does the military passports told us to get the travel ones first and that if we're gone when they come back he'll send them to us in japan. we'll be good the first 3 months we're there.

4 weeks from monday is april 12 and 6 weeks from then is april 26. then let's say we send out our second application on april 28th, 4 weeks from then is may 26 and 6 weeks from that is june which could very well be just 2 days before we leave. aaaggghhh i'm gonna be a bit stressed in the months of may and june. let's just hope we get our second passports in may and not june and also hope even more that we get our birth certificates back and that they aren't lost at all.

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