Thursday, January 1, 2009

baby #2

we have decided that we are ready to have another baby! i know most of the moms from online know that already as well as my mom and dad. i don't think my grandma, granny, and doree don't know. right now things are kind of at a stand still because i just stopped my birth control last month. as of right now i am just waiting for my body to get over the shock of losing those synthetic hormones. i have read so many bad things about birth control and synthetic hormones that i won't be using them ever again. after we are done having children i plan to have my tubes tied. right now i am using some natural progesterone cream to get things going again and to kind of help my body get balanced again. i will definately keep everyone updated as things happen. i just ask that everyone not ask me how things are going with that. that is one of the things that stressed me out so much while we were ttc lucian. oh and also i still have my fertility medicine from lucian and i do plan to take them again to get pregnant with the next one.

as far as names go we already have them picked out. nobody take them please, ;)for a boy nikolai or nicholai, not sure yet, liam and for a girl aurelia suzanne. if we have a boy we will call him niko or nicho, depending on the spelling. it will sound like nee-ko and if we have a girl we will call her rea sounding like ray-uh. and of course all the other crazy nicknames we give him/her. lucian has so many nicknames but the main ones are lu, luie, boog, and weirdo. then there are variations of those.

please wish us good luck, pray, and think good thoughts! hoping for a late '09 baby!!

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