Wednesday, February 25, 2009

getting that aching feeling

well our wonderful neighbors, the best ones we have had in the air force, welcomed home their baby girl whitley claire a week ago. lucian have gone over the last few days to keep whitley's mama, caroline, some company while her daddy, chris, ran some errands. this evening i held whitley for about 10 or 15 minutes while she was sleeping and it was so wonderfully peaceful. i felt like a pro, lol, and just wished she was mine. after a while my wonderful, well behaved, little guy got jealous so i gave her back to her mama. before lucian got jealous he was so sweet and gave whitley two kisses! it was so sweet! a few minutes after whitley was back in her mama's arms she woke up and was ready to eat. i watched caroline breastfeed whitley and it was so beautiful and took me back to feeding lucian. since then i have just wanted to be holding another baby of jayson's and mine and feeding him/her. i was guiding caroline a bit through feeding whitley and explained to her that whitley is learning how to breastfeed as well and caroline admitted she hadn't thought of it that way. i am starting to ache for another baby and hoping that at the end of my progesterone therapy i will be pregnant. those who pray, please pray and those who send good energy and thoughts please do so.

as far as the therapy goes i am 2 days in and am having some weird moderate cramping today. i am really not sure what organ is cramping everyting is all squished together in there.

Monday, February 23, 2009


alrighty so i have decided, as previously posted, that i am NOT going to take birth control to balance my hormones. i am taking some supplemnts, vitex, b6, b12, folic acid, evening primrose oil, cinnamon, and natural progesterone cream. i have been taking all of them except the npc for two weeks now. the npc is a specific plan. here are a few websites to check out about using npc to help balance your hormones,,, and here is one for free shipping if you decide to buy the npc, the npc can be used by pretty much any woman.

according to the happypms website this is the projected plan of use:
Use 1/4 tsp. twice a day, days 8 thru 26 for two months. On the third month, use 1/4 tsp. twice day, the day following ovulation through day 26.

i am changing mine a bit because i don't think my pcos is so severe and also since i am using the other supplements and the major reason, my acne explodes when i use the cream. my plan is as follows:
use 1/4 2x daily cd 8-26 for the first month and then 1/4 1x daily cd 8-26 the second month, and the third month 1/4 1x daily after comfirmed ovulation through cd 26.

i am hoping these supplements will help me to ovulate and to have a 27-29 day cycle. i am also taking my temp every morning, that is how i will have a confirmed ovulation. after the third month i will stop the cream and give my body a chance to have a regular cycle on its own without the cream.

all that being said today is day one of the first month of the cream. no change so far but i didn't expect there to be. i have used the cream twice in the past to start my cycle and the only thing i ever noticed was bad acne and improved moods. i plan to update weekly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

lucian is 2!

thats right our baby boy is 2! he had a great little party with a few of his little friends over. he had a cupcake cake and some pizza. he got some really good presents too. his grammy (jayson's mom) and great-grandma got him a kid tough camera and some clothes. his gramer (my mom) got him an easle with a dry erase board and magnetic letters and numbers. his great-grandma and great-grandpa got him some puzzle books and some clothes and sent some money and with that money he got two shirts, two pair of jeans, a pair of shoes, and a red baseball cap. jayson and i got him a power wheels f-150. the little guy made out great for his bday!

as far as adding to the family, well we have decided to wait until i have my degree. that will be another 3-5 yrs. we just want to make sure we have the money and stability the next time around. however because of my condition, pcos, that causes my hormones to be inbalanced i am not going to be taking any birth control. with my pcos i don't have regular cycles and most of the time i don't ovulate. so there is no need take birth control. what i need to do is use herbs and a cream to in a sense turn off my ovaries so that they can heal themselves and hopefully work properly. i don't know how long it will take to balance my hormones.

i do want to share a baby dream i had last night. it was about a baby girl and of course she was our baby girl. she was so beautiful. she looked like me when i was a baby and had some of lucian's features as well. she had jayson's nose, which lucian has, and she had those big chubby cheeks like lucian. she also had a full head of lack spikey fuzzy hair. i know i had black hair when i was a baby. she was goregous and she was mine. i hope it was a dream about the future!!!