Monday, March 28, 2011

appreciate life and all you have

yes i'm typing one of those blogs. if you don't like it or think i'm jumping on some bandwagon think again. the past two weeks has really taught me how fragile and special life really is. the earthquake shook this little country so bad and then caused the terror of the tsunami. the tsunmai hit a city just 30 minutes away from us. we had no power for about 2.5 days. with that being said we're EXTREMELY lucky nothing happened to our base or us on the base. the japanese people on the other hand are dealing with lives lost, houses lost, radiation floating into their cities, and just their small country being hit so hard by 3 horrible incidents.

as everyone knows this is our 4th deployment. well this is the first deployment that the worry was turned around and the realization that jayson could lose us was shown to us. he was so worried when the earthquake struck and couldn't talk to us for a couple of days. he still didn't feel much comfort until he finally got to see us on skype a few days ago and i know he won't be fully comfortable until he is home with us and hugging us.

we've all heard the saying life can be taken away in the blink of an eye. how incredibly true that statement is. i've never stopped and thought about this. i've never had a reason to. this earthquake/tsunami made me stop and think how precious life really is. we're so lucky to all be here and living. life is hard at times and just plain sucks some times but its still a gift. we're so blessed to be breathing and having life experiences including the horrible ones.

this experience has made me look at jayson in a whole new light! i've loved him the past 7 yrs of our marriage and the past 8 yrs of our relationship but now that love is even deeper and stronger. each deployment makes our love for each other deeper and stronger and also strengthens our marriage. this deployment however has done that 10 fold and its only 2 months into it. jayson and i now truly know how special we are to each other and how special our marriage is. we've gone through 3 other deployments and going through this current one. we've gone through barely having any money. we've gone through having a child and raising that child. we've gone through all of life's little things good and bad and we're still standing strong and will continue to.

i miss my airman so much and can't wait until he is home. i love this military life we live and am so glad to be learning the lessons it has to offer and teach. i truly believe those who have ever lived or are currently living the military life have a better understanding and appreciation for life, love, and pushing through. we all need to be thankful for what we have every single day. my dad has always told me to tell everyone that i love that i love them every day. i always just "yeah dad i know" but now i know what he means and i know that i will. to all of those that are reading this and are my family and friends know that i do love you, all of you! now go hug and kiss your spouse or significant other and go grab your kid(s) up and love on them and then go play with them or tuck them or anything you need to do to show them how much you really do love them. love the people in your life because you never know when someone can be taken out of it.