Saturday, September 4, 2010

almost 3 months here

we've been here almost 3 months now and it has been and interesting change and adjustment. it has also been a hard one. the first week was really rough, we got here on monday and that friday i had to take meds to cause a miscarriage because of the chemical pregnancy. dealing with that made me a bit crazy and paranoid about things. hoping i never have to go through that again. it took a while for my hormones to get back to normal, well normal for me since they are never normal because of the pcos. i started feeling better about the miscarriage but not about being at a new base and missing my friends back in ohio.

i also had to adjust to jayson working nights again and working 12s. i had a hard time sleeping at first but i was finally able to start sleeping at night. lucian had to adjust to not having any of his stuff or our the furniture here he also misses his friends from ohio as well. he has no outlet here and it has effected his behavior. still working on that. hoping he will get into preschool and if not then hopefully he can get into the sure start program here. it's similar to head start in the states.

we've already had two different neighbors since being here and both have been great! we get along great with our first neighbors robert and kristen and they have a 3 yr old boy, jacob, that lucian likes to play with. they're in tokyo right now and we are ready for them to come back. our new neighbors are young but very cool! melanie and i get along great! they just adopted a cute dog they named carter and they are expecting their first childe, bennett, in december! i'm excited for them and also that i get to watch another baby grow and help a new mom out like i did for caroline!

this base is very small so i'm seeing some of the military wives behavior i had always heard about but have never seen or experienced. it's a bit ridiculous to me. chose your friends wisely and get to know people from a distance first, this will be my advice to those new wives to the military and to this base i will eventually meet. some things are taken way to seriously here like bunco. its a dice game and i'm going to be honest here not that fun. it takes forever and is noisy because everyone is constantly rolling the dice trying to get a bunco and it tends to grate on the nerves.

i recently didn't go to a game i said i would go to and you'd think i broke a law or hit someone or something. i was given lessons on respcet and being rude the next day by a few women that went to the game and got really mad at me. one kept harrassing me and had to get the last word in so i just deleted her from my fb and one who didn't even say anything to me just deleted me, group mentality there. another said something then deleted me before i could respond to her. the last one, in my opinon, is the only one who dealt with this maturely. she told me what she thought of my behavior and then let it go and neither of us was deleted.

i could understand them getting this upset if i hadn't gone to a bday party or baby shower or something like that that was for an individual but a game of bunco, really? i had decided to stay home with jayson and lucian and jayson and i celebrated him making flight chief that night. much more fun then playing bunco for a couple of hours and watching people get drunk and loud.

i know i will meet people like katie, misty, and caroline eventually and become good friends. for now i'll just stick with kristen & robert, melanie & jordan, and hope to get to know kenny and his wife better when they get back this month. things will get better eventually and i will find my friends, that understand me and are like me, and place here at misawa.

on the japan side of things, uh it is AWESOME. i'm not digging the hottest summer on record in 200+ yrs but it is SO pretty here! jayson will eventually get to take leave and i know we will just go explore pretty much every day! robert will teach us geocaching too when he gets back. we plan to go to tokyo next year so our money will be all figured out. also will need to make a trip to sendai, its where my gma was when she was in japan and she graduated high school there as well!!! there are plenty of beaches here and lucian just loves them! have gotten used to driving on the other side of the car and road and almost used to the narrow roads and the japanese just randomly stopping on the teeny tiny side of the road. i can't wait to see more of japan!