Saturday, June 19, 2010

getting to japan

okay so everyone has been asking for details on our trip here and details about here. i'll try to do my best to remember it all. getting to seattle was challenging, to say the least. jayson, lucian, and dook went first then aries and i followed. the boys were supposed to leave at 8 and get to seattle at noon. well they missed their connecting flight in chicago and ended up getting to seattle about 10 mins before i did. dook didn't miss the connecting flight so he was waiting in seattle for jayson and lucian. as far as mine and aries trip to seattle, well completely different. i check in and find out that the aircraft we were reserved on didn't accept checked pets. this was frustrating because when i called to reserve aries they said it was fine. the lady got us on a new flight that connected in DC instead of chicago. i had about a 2.5 hrs layover in DC. i was bumped up to economy plus on the flight to seattle which was nice because i was actually able to stretch my legs all the way out. by the time i get on that flight i'm exhausted and just slept.

we get to seattle get reunited and get the dogs. we arive around 5:30 pm and our flight out to japan doesn't leave until 4:40 the next morning. yay we get to hang out in an airport all night. we get the dogs outside so they can go potty. that made their day they were both so happy to see all 3 of us and each other. also happy to just stretch their legs. we get them loaded back in their crates, oh by the way we're using the luggage carts and have two very full ones. fun to push around the sea-tac airport. we go back in and try to find the USO. it was a maze but we finally get there step inside and see it is PACKED with the people going on our flight to japan and then those that were also going on to korea. we drop of our bags so we just have the dogs and then go find some food. we go back get our bags then fine a parking some for two hours.

we checked in for our flight to japan at 10pm. we get the dogs and our bags checked then find out we were at the wrong check point. so we find the right one and park ourselves in some chairs and wait. the terminal slowly fills up with all the passengers and it's quiet, except for the screaming baby girl whose parents couldn't figure out how to quiet her. we wake up around 4 hoping to board then plane then find out we have been delayed an hour because of weather in japan. we sleep for another hour then wake up and start to board. of course there are those who never listen to instruction and are in line already when they have to wait for the families with small children to board, therefore they were in the way. we get to our seats and find out we have two seats to the side then an aisle seat in the middle. it's fine we deal with it.

lucian did amazing on the flight over!!! it was about a 9.5 hr flight. we watched 3 movies, had bfast and lunch, and lu took 2 naps and jayson and i dozed off and on the whole flight. there was, of course, the screaming baby girl, but she didn't pretty good as well. there were other screaming children on the flight. if you want a sure method of birth control, go on a 9 hr flight with screaming kids. we got here at 8am monday morning, mind you we left at 5:30am on sunday. we get our luggage, on the carts again, get the dogs checked out and meet our sponsor outside. sgt. wong, our sponsor was smart and brought one of the big SF trucks!!! we get the dogs to the kennel and try to check into our hotel. we had to go back i think 4 times before we were finally able to get into our room. there was a LT. COL. in the room before us so of course he/she thinks the check-out time doesn't apply to them. no biggie, sgt. wong showed us around base some. jayson checked in with his squadron and is asked to start the in-processing briefings that day. he has to take a shower in one of the gyms because we still didn't have our room at the time. he goes to his briefings and sgt. wong drops lucian and i off at the housing office. we have a choice between the house we took or an apartment in a tower. no questions asked i opted for the house. living in a tower with a kid and two dogs didn't sound like fun.

i found my car on wednesday and we got our house on thursday!!! we also got our loner furniture on thursday. it gets the job done but it isn't our furniture. i think we made about 5 trips to the bx yesterday getting everything we need for the house. so now we feel some what settled and we're finding our way around base and today we're putting our feelers out there in misawa city. i know i'll post lots and lots of pics on fb and i'll post pics of our house on there as well. probably not today though. we get internet at our house on wednesday. so that was our trip here and a quick run down of what we've been doing since we got here. i'll keep blogging and posting pics on fb.